2023 Bargaining Updates

May 13 Bargaining Report

May 13 Bargaining Update

April 29 Bargaining Report

April 29 Bargaining Update

April 15 Bargaining Report

April 15 Bargaining Update

March 25 Bargaining Report

March 25 SPED Bargaining Update

February 26 SPED Bargaining Report

February 26 SPED Bargaining Update

TA Overwhelmingly Approved

With an 86% YES VOTE, UESF members have voted to ratify the 2023-2025 agreement. In the largest membership vote in recent history, 3,802 votes were cast by UESF members. Here are some key highlights from the results: 

  • Total Votes Cast: 3,802
    • 68% of the 5,577 members eligible voted 
  • Certificated Votes Cast: 2,873
    • 2,403 Voted Yes (84%)
    • 470 Voted No (16%)
  • Classified Votes Cast: 783
    • 727 Voted Yes (93%)
    • 56 Voted No (7%)
  • Substitute Votes Cast: 146 
    • 134 Voted Yes (92%)
    • 12 Voted No (8%)

We have won a historic agreement that ensures meaningful raises for all educators and equitable raises for our lowest-paid educators. Our collective power forced SFSUD to come to the table, and our students, educators, and families won. This historic contract is a cornerstone that will continue to help us fight for and together build the schools our students deserve.  

Tentative Agreement Resources

In the early hours of October 20, after a 13-hour marathon bargaining session, our big bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with District management. Our union used our collective power to fight for and win our number one bargaining survey priority: meaningful and equitable raises for all, as well as wins in every area of our platform demands. Click here for the full TA language, summaries, voting details, and more!

October 19 Bargaining Report

October 19 Tentative Agreement Reached

October 16 Bargaining Report

October 16 Bargaining Update

October 2 Bargaining Report

October 2 Bargaining Update

September 18 Bargaining Report

September 18 Bargaining Update

August 28 Bargaining Report

August 28 Bargaining Update

August 4 Bargaining Report

July 25 Bargaining Report

July 25 Bargaining Update

July 10 Bargaining Report

July 10 Bargaining Update

May 24 Bargaining Report

May 24 Bargaining Update

May 22 Bargaining Report

May 22 Bargaining Update

May 17 Bargaining Report

May 17 Bargaining Update

May 15 Bargaining Report

May 15 Bargaining Update

May 8 Bargaining Report

May 8 Bargaining Update

May 1 Bargaining Report

May 1 Bargaining Update

April 24 Bargaining Report

April 24 Bargaining Update

April 17 Bargaining Report

April 17 Bargaining Update

April 10 Bargaining Report

April 10 Bargaining Update

March 20 Bargaining Report

March 20 Bargaining Update

March 13 Bargaining Report

March 13 Bargaining Update

Feb 21 Action

We need raises, improved working conditions, fully staffed schools, student supports, and protection from poor management decisions! Three thousand three hundred members completed the bargaining survey. We’ve built the biggest bargaining team in UESF’s history with every grade level and role on deck. Members at EVERY site have signed on to the platform demands. 

Let’s deliver the platform signatures to the Board of Education and show them we are ready to win big for educators, students, and our communities!


2023 Bargaining Platform

Download Flyer

UESF 2023 Bargaining Platform

Contract Campaign Kickoff

Despite rainy weather, over 200 United Educators of San Francisco members gathered this past Saturday, Dec. 3rd at Burton High School to kick off the “Fighting for the Schools Our Students Deserve” campaign. The Yau Kung Moon Troupe, including former students from Burton, Washington, Galileo, Lincoln and Lowell, set the tone. Their energizing and beautiful performance properly opened the day. The opening session reviewed the general outcomes of the bargaining survey completed by 3300 members: 

  • UESF members’ top 5 bargaining (most important) issues address staff shortages and student supports: salary, retirement/pension, additional onsite services, class size limits and duty-free prep time.
  • Special educators need manageable workloads to focus on student needs
  • Paras deserve a Living Wage that reflects their contribution to student learning conditions 
  • Support service educators need funding and supports to better meet our students’ needs

Participants then broke into 11 small groups to discuss what demands we should be fighting for, what is winnable this year and what we want to win in the future as well as how to engage members and foster solidarity amongst educators. Each morning session reported out at the end of the day as well as created a report for the bargaining team to review. 

Following lunch, members participated in the following workshops 

  • A site plan to win 
  • Play the Game to Change the Game: Planning for the Future of UESF COPE (Committee on Political Education)
  • Paraeducators: Know your rights so we can fight 
  • Certificated Educators: Know your rights so we can fight
  • From Empower Disaster to Contract Win 
  • What does a contract campaign looks like?
  • Creating a message that resonates with the community
  • We can’t do this alone: Community solidarity and coalition building
  • and a film showing of “When We Fight.” 

Check out this great collection of photos from the kickoff. It was our first opportunity since 2020 to come together in the same room, and the experience was powerful! The UESF Big Bargaining Team will be working diligently to turn the survey outcomes and the work of the kickoff into a “Fighting for the Schools Our Students Deserve” platform. We deeply appreciate all the work of the bargaining team, UESF staff, and member volunteers that made the day so smooth. A special shoutout to the Burton High School educators for the use of their site!