Cassondra was an ELA teacher at Visitacion Valley Middle School from 2011 – 2021. In those years she coached volleyball and debate team, mentored multiple student teachers, taken lead roles in site initiatives, and helped plan union-wide events. Cassondra started her teaching career during a time when pink-slips devastated our schools. It was during that difficult economic and professional time when she learned about the power of collective bargaining rights and a Union Build Committee (UBC). And as soon as she was able, she ran for a position on UBC and then for UBR. Serving on VVMS site UBC for over 7 years, she worked to build up internal communication systems, as well as empowering colleagues through facilitating information workshops, and shoring up democratic and transparent processes for taking actions and positions as a site. From 2018 to 2021, she has also served as an Executive Board Member and the Chair of the Grievance Committee. Most recently serving on the Bargaining Team and the Contract Action Team, further solidified her dedication to organizing through clear communication, education, and participation opportunities for members. As President of UESF she is committed to strengthening member participation through expanded leadership development & organizing in every school community, membership division, and committee. Every conversation is an opportunity to learn and to empower members in their union work for the common good.