UESF has a robust political and community engagement program. Through our political work, we seek to help build resources and support for our public schools and to bring commitment from across the city of San Francisco and the state of California to address the fundamental needs of our students. We also take part in coalition work to address issues of concern for educators and the families and communities we serve in San Francisco, including working to ensure that San Francisco remains an affordable place for all of its residents.
Join the UESF COPE (Committee on Political Education) Subcommittee! UESF members are invited to engage in the political education work of our union. It’s duties are outlined by the UESF bylaws and constitution. The Subcommittee established and leads the endorsement process for political candidates, mobilizes members for political campaigns and organizes political education efforts for our membership.
COPE Subcommittee Meeting Dates (all meetings begin at 5pm on zoom):
Thursday, March 13th
Thursday, April 10th
Thursday, May 8th
For more information about UESF’s political program or to join COPE, please email Cris Garza, COPE Director, at
Paid for by UESF COPE Candidate PAC. Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate. Financial disclosures are available at FPPC ID: 1311218.