UESF is a democratic institution. UESF officers and Executive Board members are elected every three years by the membership. The Executive Board conducts the business of UESF, including policy decisions, and decides on whether or not to send grievances to arbitration. The board is also responsible for the financial and personnel actions of the union. During the school year, the Executive Board typically meets the first Wednesday of every month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Rosa Parks Elementary.
The UESF Assembly is made up of elected members of Union Building Committees from the schools and other work sites, as well as members of the UESF Executive Board. Most of the business of the union takes place at the Assembly, which acts on behalf of the UESF membership. During the school year, the Assembly typically meets the third Wednesday of every month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at Rosa Parks Elementary.
How to Write a Resolution…
Union Building Committees (UBCs) and Building Representatives are the elected representatives of the membership at the school sites. UESF members are encouraged to hold elections for UBCs in the beginning of the school year. To find out more about starting a UBC at your work site, please email the UESF Organizing Director.