Cancelling Standardized Testing

Posted on March 18, 2021

Cancelling Standardized Testing
UESF passed a resolution at February’s Executive board and Assembly to support Canceling SBAC testing this year. Currently the District has these tests on pause until 3/17/21, citing a call to action from UESF educators and the Board of Education. If you have not signed the UESF Educators’ Letter to Cancel the SBAC 2021, please do so! Be sure to use your SFUSD email to access the letter. Please share these links at your site and ask members to also sign the state-wide CTA petition to waive the SBAC.

Opting Out of Standardized Testing: Know Your Rights!
Educators have the right to inform families of their rights to opt their children out of standardized tests. You are permitted to inform parents about opting out during your work day as long as you are not making a recommendation for them to do so. Conferences are a great time to inform parents about these rights. More info here:
CTA Opt-Out Rights Overview
Learn About School Employees’ Legal Opt Out Rights
Inform Families of Their Rights to Opt Out
Guide to Talking to Opting Out with Parents

Opt out forms
Parents and guardians can use these forms to opt their children out of standardized tests. Currently the state is planning on administering the tests even though they are currently on hold in SFUSD.
English Opt Out Form 2021 for Families
Spanish Opt Out Form 2021 for Families

If you are able to translate these forms to any other languages please contact Cynthia Lasden at